Return to School

The DfE guidance for schools returning in September 2020 was published on August 7th and is available here and further guidance for parents here.

When Holy Trinity reopens, we will be providing a full curriculum with no reduction in teaching time. We have carried out detailed risk assessments and have put in place all measures expected of us to keep the Holy Trinity community safe.

Staggered starts and ends to the school day

One of the key features of the guidance is that students must be kept separate from other ‘bubbles’.  Each year group in the secondary phase will become a ‘bubble’. To ensure that ‘bubbles’ do not mix we will have a staggered start to the school day and enter via specific entrances.

The following letters below detail further information for you regarding; Travelling to School, Attendance, Group Organisation and Social Distancing, Hygiene etc.

We look forward to seeing you in september!