Curriculum Overview
Our Primary Curriculum
At Holy Trinity our primary phase curriculum is based on the Mastery approach. Mastery aims to develop a deep, long-term and adaptable understanding of a subject. Among the by-products of developing mastery, and to a degree part of the process, are a number of elements:
The Primary Phase covers Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) (ages 3-5) Key Stage 1 (ages 5-7, years 1 and 2) and Key Stage 2 (ages 7-11, years 3, 4, 5 & 6). In Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 we teach phonics by use of the “Read Write Inc” Phonics scheme. For more information about phonics please follow the link below.
Our Secondary Curriculum
The Subject Specific Curriculum
As a Catholic and Church of England School, a minimum of 10% of the teaching timetable across the school is dedicated to RE. However, in reality, the RE Curriculum and the development of Christian values underpin every aspect of learning in school and are being developed at all times. Throughout the school week, children are involved in daily collective worship and there are many opportunities for focused reflection. In Key Stage 3 pupils follow a broad and balanced curriculum. Subject leaders identify content, key learning, key knowledge and key vocabulary. These are identified in curriculum progression maps, along with assessment points and a clear timeline. This ensures consistency, challenge for all pupils and progression. At Key Stage 3 all pupils study English, Maths, Science, RE, PE, French, Geography, History, computing, Technology, Music and Drama. In Year 10, pupils begin Key Stage 4. All students study English, Maths, Science and RE. Pupils then choose a range of option courses to personalize their curriculum. Guidance is given to pupils regarding the academic pathway that will best suit them by drawing upon a range of data to help to guide students in their choices.
The Wider Curriculum
In line with our mission statement Holy Trinity aims to develop and nurture the whole child. Our belief is that this education can take place both in and out of the classroom. We offer alternative curriculum days and external visits and providers.
Alternative Provision and Modified Timetables
Some pupils will need to access alternative provision or have timetables modified in order to support their progress in school. Alternative provision may take place in school or through a range of providers that seek to re-engage pupils in learning, support specific needs or contribute to pupil progress.