11th May 2020
Dear Parent and Carers,
Many of you will, no doubt, have watched the Prime Minister’s update yesterday evening on next steps in our battle against COVID-19.
In his speech, the Prime Minister stated that social distancing was still a priority, and that we need to continue to be alert to ensure that the rate of infection continues to fall. However, he did announce some slight easing of restrictions.
One of the steps that is being considered is a gradual return to school from 1st June of pupils in reception, Year 1 and Year 6. For secondary aged pupils, he said that exam classes may possibly come into school before the summer break. However, this is ‘conditional’ and depends on trends over the next two weeks.
There are few details at present and I will contact you with further information as soon as further guidance is available.
We are, of course, keen to have our pupils back in school as soon as it is safe to do so, but, as always, our primary concern is the health and safety of our children and staff. If schools were to begin a phased re-opening, plans to bring pupils back into school would focus on ensuring that we can achieve social distancing and implement safe practices.
For now, nothing has changed. It is clear that many pupils will not be in school for many weeks. I, therefore urge all our pupils to continue to complete the work set by their teachers. In order to access the work, pupils need to go onto the school website and to the button on the main page entitle “Home Study Resources”. The do not need a password, they just need to go to the section relevant to them. They should complete the work in exercise books or on paper. If they are having difficulty accessing the work, please contact school to let us know.
It is important that your children try to follow a daily routine while they are at home. It is important that they continue to have a regular time to go to bed and to get up. Their daily routine should include schoolwork, relaxation, physical exercise and fresh air, as well as time to socialise via social media with their friends and family.
Take care and stay safe
Mrs Dickson