Absence from School due to Illness/Appointment
If your child is unable to attend school, it is very important that we are notified either by phone, email, School Gateway App or using the form below on the first day of absence, and then updated on a daily basis. If a child is absent and the school have not been notified, school staff will make contact with home either by phone or text message. Failure to notify the school will result in the recording of an ‘unauthorised absence’. The telephone number for the school is: 01226 704550.
Research shows a strong link between good attendance and increased attainment. Holy Trinity aims to work in partnership with parents to strive towards every child reaching the highest possible attendance to ensure they get the best out of the educational opportunities provided. Attendance below 90% is classed as persistent absenteeism by the Local Authority, and may result in a referral to the Education Welfare Service.
Holidays during term time
Holy Trinity has adopted the Local Authority policy in respect of leave of absence in term time. Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence to pupils during term time unless they consider there to be ‘exceptional circumstances’, according to the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013. Family holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, weddings or holidays due to work commitments are not considered as ‘exceptional circumstances’ and therefore will not be authorised.
Parents should complete a Request for Leave of Absence form (available from reception) and return it to school for consideration. Where parents do not complete a leave of absence form, the absence will automatically be unauthorised. Unauthorised absence may result in parents being issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice by the Local Authority.
Accidents/Illness in School
If a child is ill, or has an accident in school, every effort is made to contact parents. It is important that we have a telephone number, where you can normally be contacted during school hours. Please ensure we have your up to date contact details.