Ash Randall is a Freestyle Footballer and 22x Guinness World Record Breaker. He has asked Holy Trinity to participate in helping him break another Guinness World record.

“The idea was just to do something fun & positive during this lockdown that anyone from anywhere and of any ability can get involved in! Hopefully with a Guinness World Record at the end of it! 😁🥇(We need 500 people for the record!)” – Ash

If you would like to join in, watch the video below, read the instructions, and submit your video.

You can see an attached video link which shows you exactly what we need (Video link on facebook – ) but just to clear a few things up we’ve got the ‘rules’ from Guinness below:-

1. Film a video in portrait.

2. Football rolled in on the FLOOR from YOUR right hand side.

3. Show us what you can do with the ball and then pass the ball on the FLOOR out on YOUR left side.

4. The video clip needs to be over 5 seconds long.