Mr Fox, Mrs Glossop, Mr Shaw, Mrs Brookes and Mr Henderson joined 41 Year 9 pupils on a battlefields tour of Flanders fields in Belgium and the Somme region of France from 27th April to 30th April. They took in some of the amazing sights of these regions and paid rememberance to fallen. They visited important sights such as Tynecot memorial, Newfoundland Park, Langemark cemetery.

The students visited trenches at Hill 62 – sanctuary wood and the Great War museum at Ypres. As well as Lochnagar crater which is the largest man made crater of WWI. They also found time to pay tribute to the 500 Barnsley men who have found rest at Sheffield Memorial Park. The pupils also took part in the last post memorial at the Meningate at Ypres which was incredibly moving. Our pupils were a shining light throughout the whole trip and really showed the values of our school. All the staff involved were really proud and the students all had a fabulous time.