Dear Parents and Carers

I hope you had a happy Easter and that you are keeping well under the current circumstances.

Today (April 20th) marks the official start of the summer term. Mrs Falconer, our new primary leader, takes up her post with us. It may be a while before you meet her but you will hear from her in the near future. I would like to extend a warm welcome to Mrs Falconer and I hope she will be very happy with us.

I would like to thank Mrs Talbot for all the work she has done in leading the primary phase since Christmas. I am sure that you have been as grateful as I have for the hard work that Mrs Talbot has done in supporting staff, parents and pupils during this time.

From today, pupils will be able to access the work for completion over the next fortnight (from today until Friday 1st May). In order to access the work, pupils need to go onto the school website and to the button on the main page entitle “Home Study Resources”. The do not need a password, they just need to go to the section relevant to them. They should complete the work in exercise books or on paper. If they are having difficulty accessing the work, please contact school to let us know.

We loved receiving the work that pupils submitted for Proud Thursday last week. We hope that pupils will continue to submit their work over the coming weeks.

Today the BBC launches bitesize daily lessons: Your children will hopefully be interested in this in addition to the work set by teachers.

It is important that your children try to follow a daily routine while they are at home. This should include school work, relaxation, physical exercise and time to socialise via social media with their friends and family. It is also important that they continue to have a regular time to go to bed and to get up.

On our website, we have created a section to support parents during the coronavirus pandemic; COVID-19-: coronavirus – parent support. It pulls together advice and guidance for you which I hope you will find useful.  This includes advice on on-line safety.

Please keep in touch if you need any support from us. Take Care and Stay Safe.

Mrs Dickson


Update for parents 20-04-20