Primary Phase
Start and End
Year |
Time In |
Time Out |
Entrance/Exit |
Nursery (AM & PM) | 8:45 & 12:30 | 11:45 & 3:30 | Nursery Gate |
Reception | 08:45 | 15:15 | Primary Reception (collect from classroom) |
Year 1 | 08:55 | 15:15 | Primary Reception (collect from classroom) |
Year 2 | 08:55 | 15:15 | Primary Hall – Left of Main Reception (collect from classroom via Primary Reception) |
Year 3 | 08:55 | 15:15 | Side Gate near Nursery (collect from classroom) |
Year 4 | 08:55 | 15:15 | Side Gate near Nursery (collect from playground) |
Year 5 | 08:55 | 15:15 | Side Gate near Nursery (collect from playground) |
Year 6 | 08:55 | 15:15 | Side Gate near Nursery (collect from playground) |
Break Times
Year |
Time Start |
Time End |
Year 1 | 11:00 | 11:15 |
Year 2 | 11:00 | 11:15 |
Year 3 | 11:00 | 11:15 |
Year 4 | 11:00 | 11:15 |
Year 5 | 11:00 | 11:15 |
Year 6 | 11:00 | 11:15 |
Lunch Times
Year |
Time Start |
Time End |
All day Nursery | 11:30 | 12:45 |
Reception | 11:45 | 12:45 |
Year 1 | 12:00 | 13:00 |
Year 2 | 12:00 | 13:00 |
Year 3 | 12:15 | 13:15 |
Year 4 | 12:15 | 13:15 |
Year 5 | 12:15 | 13:15 |
Year 6 | 12:15 | 13:15 |
Secondary Phase
Start and End Times
Year |
Time In |
Time Out |
Entrance/Exit |
Year 7 | 8:45 | 3:00 | Student Gate |
Year 8 | 8:45 | 3:00 | Student Gate |
Year 9 | 8:45 | 3:00 | Student Gate |
Year 10 | 8:45 | 3:00 | Student Gate |
Year 11 | 8:45 | 3:00 | Student Gate |
Break and Lunch Times
Secondary |
Time Start |
Time End |
Break Time | 11:00 | 11:15 |
Lunch Time | 12:15 | 13:00 |