You can find our performance data on the website by clicking the button below.

Primary Phase

Early Years

Percentage achieving a good level of development

Holy Trinity 61%
National 67.7%

Phonics Year 1

Percentage passing the Year 1 phonics screening check.

Holy Trinity 83%
National 80%

The percentage of pupils who met the expected standard in the phonics screening check by the end of year 2 nationally was 89% in 2024. This is not directly comparable to previous years.

Holy Trinity 95%
National 89%

Key Stage 1 Results

Expected or Above
Greater Depth
Holy Trinity National Holy Trinity National
Reading (R) 68% 68% 18% 19%
Writing (W) 32% 60% 19% 8%
Mathematics (M) 68% 70% 0% 16%
Combined (RWM) % % % %

Key Stage 2 Results

Expected or Above
Greater Depth
Average Point Score
Holy Trinity National Holy Trinity National Holy Trinity National
Reading (R) 70% 74% 18% 28% 103.4 105.2
Writing (W) 73% 72% 7% 13% N/A N/A
Mathematics (M) 77% 73% 15% 24% 103.8 104.4
EGPS* 78% 72% 30% 32% 105.1 105.3
Combined (RWM) 60% 61% 0% 8% N/A N/A

* EGPS: English, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

Secondary Phase

Key Stage 4 Provisional Results 2024

Progress 8 -0.75
Attainment 8 34.24
% achieving grades Grades 9 – 4 English and Maths 37%
% achieving grades Grades 9 – 4 English 58%
% achieving grades Grades 9 – 4 Maths 40%
% achieving grades Grades 9 – 5 English and Maths 15%
% achieving grades Grades 9 – 5 English 35%
% achieving grades Grades 9 – 5 Maths 17%
% of students entered for English Baccalaureate 44%
EBacc Average Point Score 2.96
In education or entering employment for at least 2 terms 91% (2021 leavers)

EBacc (English Baccalaureate)

The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) is a school performance measure. It allows people to see how pupils at Key Stage 4 perform in the core academic subjects of English, Maths, 2 Sciences, a modern foreign language and either History or Geography.

Progress 8

This measure is based on students’ progress from the end of primary school to the end of Key Stage 4, measured across 8 subjects: English, mathematics, 3 EBacc subjects and 3 other subjects.

Attainment 8

This measure is based on students’ average achievement in the same suite of subjects as the Progress 8 measure.