Welcome and Introduction to the Governing Body

The governors of Holy Trinity welcome you to the governors section of the Holy Trinity Website so we can share with you what our role is and who we are. Holy Trinity is very unique school, it’s the only school in the country that admits pupils aged between 3-16 and is a joint Catholic and Church of England School.

Our governor membership is also unique because the majority of us are Foundation Governors. Foundation governors have a special responsibility to maintain the schools religious character and mission, because Holy Trinity is a joint Catholic and Church of England school the Foundation Governors are appointed by either the Bishop of Leeds (Church of England) or the Bishop of Hallam (Catholic).

They are appointed by both Bishops specifically to ensure that the:

  • religious character of the school is preserved
  • school life is conducted in accordance with the Memo of Understanding agreed by both Diocese

Foundation governor appointments are reviewed every four years by the appropriate Bishop.

Holy Trinity also has parent governors who are elected by parents / carers of pupils at the school and come from the local community. Parent appointments are reviewed every four years and revoked if their child leaves Holy Trinity.

All the governors are volunteers who are committed to Holy Trinity and feel privileged to be part of the school.

The Role of the Governors

Governors are there to support and challenge the senior leaders of the school to ensure that the school is continually reflecting on and improving its practice in order to create a learning environment in which all the children can achieve the best possible outcome. Historically this has been done at full governing body meetings and during school visits. Going forward now we are part of the St Clare Multi Academy (MAT) the full governing body meetings from September 2024 be renamed and become Local Academy Committee meeting (LAC) they will still continue to support and challenge the senior school leaders. For more information about the structure of the Academy Trust Governance please follow the link:

The Governors Vision

The Governors vision is to ensure Holy Trinity offers an outstanding, all-round education to our school community, rooted in the shared Christian values of love, honesty and respect. We seek to demonstrate this ethos in our school by providing a safe, caring environment where everyone is valued and pupils are inspired to develop a love for learning that will equip them for life in the 21st century.

Our Aims are to:

  • Sustain the Christian ethos of our school and its focus on Christian values to enable our pupils to grow and develop in a loving, caring community.
  • Create and sustain a school community in which all parents, carers, pupils, staff and visitors feel welcome and valued.
  • Work in partnership with Headteacher, Hallam and Leeds Diocese, St Clare Academy Trust and the school staff, taking an active interest in the direction of travel and the improvement plans for the school.
  • Provide support and challenge to the senior leadership to meet the needs and demands of the changing educational landscape; act as a critical friend.
  • Ensure the school is fully compliant with national/educational expectations.
  • Ensure levels of support for all pupils are of the highest standard so all pupils are supported to achieve their best.
  • Monitor, evaluate and challenge expectations and results and to hold the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school, the well-being of the staff and safeguarding of the pupils.
  • Be a committed and enthusiastic Local Academy Committee and strive to improve Governor skills through training and supportive teamwork.

The Governors are committed to ensuring Holy Trinity creates an environment that reflects the content of the following poem

If we can not respect another
How can we expect them to respect us
If we can not respect someone’s beliefs
How can we expect them to respect ours
If we can not respect another’s race
How can we expect that race to respect us
If we can not respect others
How can we expect respect in return

Everyone expects respect
No matter who they are
The only way to gain it
Is to start treating everyone
As a friend, a brother, a sister
As part of our extended family
No matter what colour or creed they are
Only then you will start to get
The respect you so dearly crave

David Harris

Our Current Governors Are

Sheila Armitage

Hallam Foundation Governor & Vice Chair

I am a Foundation Governor for Hallam Diocese. I live in Barnsley and worship at Holy Rood church in the centre of town. My whole career has been in Catholic Education; I was a teacher in the Primary Sector for 37 years, 17 of which was as the Head teacher of a Primary school in Sheffield, until my retirement in 2016. I am married and have two children, who are both now married and have their own children. Excellence in education is vital for the future of our children and young people, coupled with my Catholic beliefs and experience, I endeavour to support Holy Trinity in its mission to deliver this to the students in our care.

Rebecca Asquith

Parent Governor

I have been a Parent Governor at Holy Trinity since May 2019, I am a mum of two girls both, one in Primary the other is in secondary. I have worked for the NHS for the past 20 years, initially working with a Mental Health Trust and more recently with NHS Blood and Transplant Service. As part of my role I want to represent the parents and ensure that our children have the best education, opportunities and experiences that they deserve.

Sue Burton

Leeds Foundation Governor

I have been a school Governor for 26 years, initially as a parent Governor then as a foundation governor at Holy Cross Deanery Primary. I was a member of the temporary governing body, involved with the building of the new school which became Holy Trinity as Holy Cross was one of the primary schools to become part of the new school. It was a privilege to be involved with the development of the school from its inception. I have worked as a Civil Servant for 46 years and worship at St. Helen’s Athersley.

Pat Hunter

Hallam Foundation Governor & Chair

Holy Trinity had been open for 6 months when I became a governor and I was elected as Chair in 2019. I grew up in Athersley (North and South) I still live locally and attend Blessed Sacrament Church. From personal experience I know what opportunities a good education can bring and I want every child at Holy Trinity to reach their potential. As a qualified nurse my working life has been spent in the NHS working initially in Barnsley General Hospital then Barnsley Community Nursing services.

Katrina Ramsey

Hallam Foundation Governor & Chair

I have been a Foundation Governor for the Diocese of Hallam since 2023. I am married and have three children, two stepchildren and three grandchildren. I have worked in the NHS for 24 years. For fifteen of those years I have been working as a Health Visitor in children’s 0 -19 years services as a Health Visitor, initially in Barnsley and currently in Doncaster. I want to contribute to ensuring the pupils at Holy Trinity have a positive academic and pastoral experience.

Father Craig Tomlinson

How to Contact Us

If you would like to bring a matter to the attention of the Governors, please feel free to either:

  • Telephone: 01226 704550 to leave a message or
  • Email: info@holytrinitybarnsley.org

In both these instances the information will forwarded to the Chair of Governors who will deal with the issue raised. Alternatively you can address a letter to the Chair of Governors and either hand it into reception or use the ordinary post and send it to Holy Trinity Carlton Road Barnsley S71 2LF.

Please note that governors should not be approached if you want to raise a complaint. These must be made as stated in the complaint policy. The role of governors when dealing with a complaint is also set out in this document.

Link Governor Area of Responsibility

Link Governor
Area of Responsibility
Rebecca Asquith
Shelia Armitage
Teaching and Learning
Literacy and Maths in Primary
Sue Burton Special Education Needs & Disability (SEND)
Looked after Children (LAC)
Behaviour and Attendance
Inclusion and Equality
Pat Hunter Health and Safety
Governor Training
Careers / PSHE
Pupil Premium
Archdeacon Peter Townley (Resigned) Religious Education
Pat Hunter
Sue Burton
Sheila Armitage
Head Teacher Performance / Staff Appraisals
Melissa Watkin Emotional Wellbeing

Governor Meetings

Each academic term there will be a LAC meeting that focuses on Teaching & Learning and one that focuses on Ethos Welfare & Admissions, in total there will be 6 LAC meetings each academic year. At these meetings, which all governors attend, the Headteacher will provides a report that covers the topic areas relating to the meeting agenda and the governors will ask questions based on objective data and evidence provided in the report.

Governing Body Attendance Record 2023-2024

% attendance
Sheila Armitage 50%
Rebecca Asquith 83%
Sue Burton 50%
Debbie Cartwright 83%
Pat Hunter 100%
Katrina Ramsey 66%

Please note – from September 2024 the governing body has been re-named. It is now known as a Local Academy Committee in line with St Clare governance arrangements.

Governor Register of Pecuniary, Business Interest

Holy Trinity opened in 2012

Date Appointed
Term From
Term Until
Interest and date commenced
Declaration Annually; Last Date
Rebecca Asquith
Parent Governor
22.05.19 22.5.2023 21.5.2027 None declared Oct 2024
Shelia Armitage
Foundation Governor
Vice Chair
06.12.20 06.12.2021 05.12.2025 None declared Oct 2024
Sue Burton
Foundation Governor
08.11.2012 07.10.2024 07.11.2028 None declared Oct 2024
Pat Hunter
Foundation Governor
07.11.2012 08.10.2024 07.11.2028 Governor St Pius Wath Oct 2024

Bank Contract; SWYFT (NHS) 2020

Oct 2024
Katrina Ramsey
Foundation Governor
25.01.2023 25.01.2023 24.01.2027 None declared Oct 2024
Father Craig Tomlinson
Foundation Governor

Previous Holy Trinity Foundation Governors

Date Appointed
Robert Krauser 01.09.2012 April 2018
Debbie Cartwright 08.11.2012 September 2024
Archdeacon Peter Townley 08.11.2012 May 2023
Jane Willis 12.07.2017 July 2021
Father Damian    
Father Declan 12.09.2018 December  2020
Father Bell 30.07.2021 January 2022
Father Rodney Marshall 01.09.2012